In the Beginning
Dogs have always been a part of my life from early
childhood, but my real involvement started in 1994
when I bought my first Great Dan Kiara. In 1996 I applied for my Affix or Kennel Name and was granted the Affix Gladstyle. Although I had considerable success showing Great Danes, I decided that something more compact with more personalitiy would suit me better. So after a lot of research and standing around breed rings, I decided that a beagle would be the perfect breed to suit my lifestyle and personality. With the show experience I had gained through showing Great Danes, I decided to go to one of the top beagle kennels in England. So in 1999 Tillie (Fallowfiled Just a Begiinnin' for Gladstyle) arrived, Tillie did extremely well for me and was Top Beagle Puppy 2000 and Top Beagle Bitch in N. Ireland as well as gaining her Irish Title.
She was mated to Fallowfield Douglas and produced my first home bred champion, who in turn produced two Stud Book winners and a RCC winner.